I have been providing a tongue-tie assessment and frenotomy service in Dublin since 2013 and work closely with Consultant Neonatologists and Lactation Consultants in leading maternity hospitals throughout Ireland. I take pride in performing tongue-tie release only when it is clinically indicated. During our consultation, I take a detailed history and perform an anatomical and functional assessment.
I am happy to assess all bottle and breastfed infants with any feeding issues. I am also happy to see younger children, teenagers and adults that have any concerns relating to tongue function. My assessment will cover tongue function in relation to speech, eating, dental issues and sleep disordered breathing.
A frenotomy is clinically indicated for babies with feeding problems. A tongue-tie is mainly associated with breastfeeding problems. Severe tongue-ties can lead to feeding problems for bottle fed babies also. Severe tongue-ties will also place babies in a risk group for speech problems related to tongue movement restriction.
I have completed training that looks at how tongue function can affect speech, sleep, eating and our teeth, in younger children, teenagers and adults.
Lip ties are normal anatomical structures and according to recent data they are found in 95% of newborns. The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine does not recommend lip tie release to help improve breastfeeding. There is general agreement between Paediatric dentists that a lip tie should not be performed until an infants permanent canine teeth erupt.
I have personal experience in this area as two of my three children were born with significant tongue-ties. I also know what is like to have a baby that suffers with colic and how difficult that journey can be. I am always happy to share my experience in this area and offer the best advice I can.
I qualified from NUI, Galway in 2005 and completed my postgraduate training as a General Practitioner with the Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin. I have postgraduate experience in working as a Senior House Officer in both Surgery and Paediatrics. I also hold a postgraduate Diploma in Child’s Health and as Diploma is Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
I am a member of the Irish College of General Practitioners and I am fully registered with the Irish Medical Council (IMC 245333). I am also an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.
I have worked closely with lactation consultants, community midwives and public health nurses that have experience in diagnosing and treating babies with tongue-tie. Their assessment, management and dedication to babies and their mums is invaluable.
I firmly believe that tongue-tie division alone is not a ‘magic cure’ that may immediately end all associated difficulties. It is important that all other issues are supported lactation consultants and physical therapists when required in the community.